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Donate to the Freight House Rehabilitation Project
All donations will help bring the historic Lansdale Freight House back to a new life as a civic center for public and private gatherings, a Welcome Center for downtown visitors and a way station on the Liberty Bell Trail. Thank you for your consideration.
Discover Lansdale Receives $1 Million State Grant For Freight House Construction

Rep. Steve Malagari and state Sen. Maria Collett present check to Discover Lansdale President Mary Fuller on Nov. 4. From left: Borough Manager John Ernst, DL's Jason Van Dame, Rep. Malagari, DL's Bill Henning, Fuller, state Rep. Joe Webster, Collett, and DL's Bruce Schwartz, Dick Shearer and Ken Seiler.
Posted Friday, Nov. 4, 2022
Keith Heffintrayer,| North Penn Now
Discover Lansdale received welcome news on Wednesday, Oct. 26, after state Rep. Steve Malagari announced a $1,017,868 million grant was awarded to assist with the rehabilitation of the historic Reading Railroad Freight House.
“Lansdale’s history is deeply tied to the rail line that runs through it,” Malagari said. “Restoring the Freight House is more than just historic preservation, it is about protecting and honoring what makes this town unique.”
The $1 million Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant is designated for the repair and rehabilitation of the historic Reading Railroad Freight House. Included in the repairs is the renovation of the shipping office area, along with the installation of showcases for rotating exhibits.
The parking lot will be updated with utility services including service connections to the freight house building, stormwater improvements, concrete curbing, sidewalks, paving, lighting, landscaping, striping, ADA parking and ADA-accessible routes.
“It is hard to put into words the excitement and gratitude we feel about this news. After many frustrating delays, this project will finally get what it needs to get it completed,” said Bill Henning, Discover Lansdale board member who has been spearheading the renovations. “A big "thank you" to Rep. Steve Malagari for seeing, understanding, and believing in what a great asset the historic Lansdale Freight House will be for our community. His support, along with many others, was a huge help in making this possible. We are certainly looking forward to finally making real progress. 2022 was the year of Lansdale’s 150th anniversary, but 2023 will be the year of the Freight House.”
Malagari said that Discover Lansdale has worked tirelessly to save this distinctive building from ruin and its volunteers have devoted countless hours of labor to its restoration. He said that the successful completion of this project would be a victory not just for them, but for all the residents of Lansdale who will reap the economic, social, and educational benefits that the restored use of this building will bring.
The grant is a 50% matching grant. Prior to the grant being awarded, Lansdale Borough approved a $1.2 million contract in August to pave the parking lot outside of the Freight House. While Discover Lansdale owns the building itself, the lot is owned by the Lansdale Parking Authority.
Keith Heffintrayer,| North Penn Now
Discover Lansdale received welcome news on Wednesday, Oct. 26, after state Rep. Steve Malagari announced a $1,017,868 million grant was awarded to assist with the rehabilitation of the historic Reading Railroad Freight House.
“Lansdale’s history is deeply tied to the rail line that runs through it,” Malagari said. “Restoring the Freight House is more than just historic preservation, it is about protecting and honoring what makes this town unique.”
The $1 million Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant is designated for the repair and rehabilitation of the historic Reading Railroad Freight House. Included in the repairs is the renovation of the shipping office area, along with the installation of showcases for rotating exhibits.
The parking lot will be updated with utility services including service connections to the freight house building, stormwater improvements, concrete curbing, sidewalks, paving, lighting, landscaping, striping, ADA parking and ADA-accessible routes.
“It is hard to put into words the excitement and gratitude we feel about this news. After many frustrating delays, this project will finally get what it needs to get it completed,” said Bill Henning, Discover Lansdale board member who has been spearheading the renovations. “A big "thank you" to Rep. Steve Malagari for seeing, understanding, and believing in what a great asset the historic Lansdale Freight House will be for our community. His support, along with many others, was a huge help in making this possible. We are certainly looking forward to finally making real progress. 2022 was the year of Lansdale’s 150th anniversary, but 2023 will be the year of the Freight House.”
Malagari said that Discover Lansdale has worked tirelessly to save this distinctive building from ruin and its volunteers have devoted countless hours of labor to its restoration. He said that the successful completion of this project would be a victory not just for them, but for all the residents of Lansdale who will reap the economic, social, and educational benefits that the restored use of this building will bring.
The grant is a 50% matching grant. Prior to the grant being awarded, Lansdale Borough approved a $1.2 million contract in August to pave the parking lot outside of the Freight House. While Discover Lansdale owns the building itself, the lot is owned by the Lansdale Parking Authority.
Freight House Project Receives $14,000 Keystone Preservation Planning Grant
Posted June 5, 2021
We at Discover Lansdale are proud to announce that our civic nonprofit has been awarded a 2021 Keystone Preservation Planning Grant from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
The $14,310 grant is designated for the planning, promotion, and development of historic resources. Discover Lansdale applied for the grant to help fund construction plans and design documents to prepare for the historic rehabilitation project at the stately stone Freight House on South Broad Street.
The grant is a 50% match; Discover Lansdale is required to fund the remaining half by donations, sponsorships or other means.
"This is pretty exciting for us,” said Bill Henning, who chairs Discover Lansdale’s Freight House Committee. “This project, near and dear to our hearts, has been slow going, but this Keystone grant is a much-needed step toward our goal of preserving and repurposing this historic building for use by the entire Lansdale community."
This year, DL already has repaired the masonry along the Liberty Bell Trail side of the town’s former commerce hub, which was intricately constructed by a local stonemasonry family, using area quarries, in 1902.
We plan to host several volunteer workdays over the summer months to enlist the community’s help to paint and preserve the wooden freight doors and clear the surrounding area. To volunteer, email [email protected], and visit for updates.
And we hope to have final plans completed in time to award contracts and begin interior repair and refurbishment next year. Discover Lansdale plans to apply for further grants to help fund that construction, and we will be seeking donations from the public and sponsorships from area firms to help match those grants.
Discover Lansdale purchased the borough landmark in 2016 to rescue it from the wrecking ball. It is centrally located along the multicounty Liberty Bell Trail, at the entrance of the future Luxor Lansdale development, and across from Lansdale Borough Hall.
The goal is to recreate the Freight House office area as a borough Welcome Center and industrial heritage display site, serving visitors to town and hikers and bikers along the Liberty Bell Trail, and to rehabilitate the freight area for public and private events to help support the Welcome Center’s operation.
“The Reading Freight House is among the most iconic and visible structures in our community, so it’s the perfect place to welcome travelers or anyone just passing through our area,” State Rep. Steve Malagari said in announcing the grant. “Lansdale has a rich history and its own unique personality, so I am hopeful that a welcome center will attract others to the area who will see that.”
The Lansdale Parking Authority owns the land beneath and around the Freight House, and preparations for paving the area are under way.
Earlier coverage is below ...
We at Discover Lansdale are proud to announce that our civic nonprofit has been awarded a 2021 Keystone Preservation Planning Grant from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
The $14,310 grant is designated for the planning, promotion, and development of historic resources. Discover Lansdale applied for the grant to help fund construction plans and design documents to prepare for the historic rehabilitation project at the stately stone Freight House on South Broad Street.
The grant is a 50% match; Discover Lansdale is required to fund the remaining half by donations, sponsorships or other means.
"This is pretty exciting for us,” said Bill Henning, who chairs Discover Lansdale’s Freight House Committee. “This project, near and dear to our hearts, has been slow going, but this Keystone grant is a much-needed step toward our goal of preserving and repurposing this historic building for use by the entire Lansdale community."
This year, DL already has repaired the masonry along the Liberty Bell Trail side of the town’s former commerce hub, which was intricately constructed by a local stonemasonry family, using area quarries, in 1902.
We plan to host several volunteer workdays over the summer months to enlist the community’s help to paint and preserve the wooden freight doors and clear the surrounding area. To volunteer, email [email protected], and visit for updates.
And we hope to have final plans completed in time to award contracts and begin interior repair and refurbishment next year. Discover Lansdale plans to apply for further grants to help fund that construction, and we will be seeking donations from the public and sponsorships from area firms to help match those grants.
Discover Lansdale purchased the borough landmark in 2016 to rescue it from the wrecking ball. It is centrally located along the multicounty Liberty Bell Trail, at the entrance of the future Luxor Lansdale development, and across from Lansdale Borough Hall.
The goal is to recreate the Freight House office area as a borough Welcome Center and industrial heritage display site, serving visitors to town and hikers and bikers along the Liberty Bell Trail, and to rehabilitate the freight area for public and private events to help support the Welcome Center’s operation.
“The Reading Freight House is among the most iconic and visible structures in our community, so it’s the perfect place to welcome travelers or anyone just passing through our area,” State Rep. Steve Malagari said in announcing the grant. “Lansdale has a rich history and its own unique personality, so I am hopeful that a welcome center will attract others to the area who will see that.”
The Lansdale Parking Authority owns the land beneath and around the Freight House, and preparations for paving the area are under way.
Earlier coverage is below ...
About Discover Lansdale's Freight House Project
The local landmark, constructed in 1902, served as the commerce hub of the borough for decades. The Freight House gave local industries and manufacturers rail access to markets all over the region and beyond. In doing so, it (and the nearby Passenger Station) contributed to the growth of the borough as a business and population center in the early 20th century.
For some 20 years the stately stone station had fallen into non-use and disrepair. In Summer 2016 Discover Lansdale had the opportunity to purchase the building as part of an arrangement with the borough's Parking Authority, which wanted the surrounding land to increase the town's available spaces. We are proud to help save this significant part of the town's heritage from the wrecking ball, and invite the community to join us as we bring it back to vibrant life.
Discover hopes to turn this into a venue for events -- from weddings and celebrations to meetings -- and a community resource, plus a welcome center for visitors to the Borough of Lansdale and a home for displays commemorating our town's railway history.
On this and other pages we will keep you up to date on the progress at the Freight House, and let you know how to help. Below find a PDF file of our Nov. 14, 2016, slide presentation; on other pages inside find a history of the building, a feature on the family of stonemasons that built the Freight House, and more photos and information as the project takes shape.
For some 20 years the stately stone station had fallen into non-use and disrepair. In Summer 2016 Discover Lansdale had the opportunity to purchase the building as part of an arrangement with the borough's Parking Authority, which wanted the surrounding land to increase the town's available spaces. We are proud to help save this significant part of the town's heritage from the wrecking ball, and invite the community to join us as we bring it back to vibrant life.
Discover hopes to turn this into a venue for events -- from weddings and celebrations to meetings -- and a community resource, plus a welcome center for visitors to the Borough of Lansdale and a home for displays commemorating our town's railway history.
On this and other pages we will keep you up to date on the progress at the Freight House, and let you know how to help. Below find a PDF file of our Nov. 14, 2016, slide presentation; on other pages inside find a history of the building, a feature on the family of stonemasons that built the Freight House, and more photos and information as the project takes shape.